Monday 4 January 2010

Shot Examples

Establishing shot:

This establishing shot works well, as it shows a spaceship (the millennium falcon). This is shown traveling through space towards a planet. The scene is then shown with the same spaceship landing on the planet - therefore this scene establishes where the following scene(s) are set. It gives an indication to the audience of the genre and themes that are going to be included in the film.

Close up: (Kiss at end of film)

Here, the close-up filming method is used to show high-detailed, intimate footage of a kiss. The effect of this to make the audience focus entirely on what is happening, and makes it an important part in the film. It enables the audience to focus on one aspects without any distractions in the background.

Match on action:

Match on action is achieved by showing one side of scene and then the other side. In this clip we can see a close-up of the phone being picked up and then a new shot showing the same footage from another angle. It enables the scene to make more sense and to allow the footage to flow.

Reaction Shot:

This reaction shot shows the character's emotions/reaction to what he is seeing. This shows the audience his reaction so they understand how he's feeling and allows the audience to identify with how the audience is suppose to feel.

Long shot:

This Long-shot shows the audience that there a room full of people - this helps to set a mood and atmosphere to the scene, as we see the characters involved and their socialising activity. It is a straightforward way of making sure that the audience can see a lot in the camera frame including body language, costume, settings, etc.

filming a conversation:

Here, we see two characters (Deano and Stacey) having a conversation on a soap programme (eastenders) - the way in which the scene is filmed, shows one character speaking, and then the camera position changing to show the reaction of the other character - this uses the 180-degree rule...(explained below)

180 degree rule:

The 180 degree rule works by filming one side of the conversation being said and then the other side which is then edited to alternate between the two character to get the flow of the conversation. It is used to enable the audience to see both sides on the character's talking.

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