Monday 18 January 2010

Analysis of past student's work

We chose to analyse Q1-09 - 'The Collector' film.

To start with the viewer is introduced with a soundtrack which is played on and off throughout the film. The sound track is non-diegetic, it has a soft mysterious tone to it, and this is interrupted by an abrupt electronic noise which adds a harshness to the effects of the soundtrack (introduces the viewer to the theme of the film)

The viewer is then introduced to the title of the people involved in the film, these are presented in a mixture of different methods, for example some are large and clear, and presented separately to the other titles, whereas on the other hand, other titles are merged together and/or smaller in font size. Clearly, attention was payed when the makers thought about this aspect, as the effect is easily keeping the viewer/s entertained, or drawing them into what is going to happen.

After this, the viewer is introduced to the first actual filming/images in the film, we see pictures of a girl (black and white) - this creates a clinical/investigatory atmosphere.
Also as an addition to this atmosphere newspaper article headings are focused on with word such as 'stab', 'kills', and an image of a character with 'missing' written underneath it. The effect (introducing the themes of the film) is enhanced with the editorial techniques employed - there are fades, crossovers and replays which cause the viewers to pat close attention to what is on the screen.

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