Tuesday 26 January 2010

Comparing an antagonist and protagonist from a thriller with our antagonist and protagonist

Lewis - The Joker
Appearance-wise, the Joker from 'The Dark Knight' is very similar to our character played by Lewis. Both of their appearances are very witty in order to convey ambiguous outlooks of their characters. Their appearances add a sense of uncertainity to the audience's mind as they both send mixed signals, this is because the Joker looks as though he is constantly smiling because of his scars and Lewis's tranformation from a smart business man to a masked person, creates a sense of mystery and suspiciousness as their true identity/feelings are unclear to the audience.

Personality-wise, these two characters are extremely similar. The ways in which the characters can be described can be related to one another: psychopathic, mysterious, unknown and unrelatable. Both characters are fairly witty in the way they interact with people, which provides a twist to the narrative, creating confusion to the audience's mind. They both display a lack of self-awareness and their actions are unpredictable, through the sarcastic approach we will aim to portray with Lewis's dialogue.

The clip above a scene from 'The Dark Knight' that has a clear portrayal of the personality of the Joker. In this scene it conveys the carefree approach that he has to the the situation. He attempts to turn the tense situation into a relaxed, calm situation which is contrary to how the audience view it. Likewise to Lewis's character, his actions are planned to add the same approach as the Joker. The other characters will act scared to the situation likewise to this clip, whereas Lewis's character will react unexpectedly to the situation, by adding a sarcastic approach. The non-diegetic sound compliments the atmosphere by the noise of a siren that is gradually getting louder. This sound reflects the mood created as it signifies to the audience that they should be alarmed and aware of the main character's witty behaviour.

Bronte - Wendy Torrance

Wendy Torrance, the victimised character in 'The Shining' closely relates to one of our main characters played by Bronte. Her character focuses around the effect of the antagonist in the movie by displaying her shock and worry towards the their behaviour. In comparison to our character, they are both very innocent and genuinely worried about the behaviour of the villain and the mico elements help to convey this.

The micro-elements in the clip above help to portray this outlook towards this character. This enhances the violence of the scene and creates a vivid sense of shock and worry. In particular, the camerashot used constantly throughout this clip is a medium shot, this enables the audience to see a wide range on screen, they can see her fear through her body language and facial expression as well as see the axe being slashed through the door. The diegetic sound used in this scene also adds a sense of intense anxiety - her constant screaming becomes almost unbearable as the audience can clearly see her worry, making her appear innocent and harmless which is similar to Bronte's character in our thriller.

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