Monday 11 January 2010

How does 'Vertigo' address the conventions of a Thriller?

Definition of Vertigo: dizziness: a reeling sensation; a feeling that you are about to fall

The first shot used in the opening is a close-up of a females face which steadily moves to an extreme close-up of her eye.The face reveals expressions of fear, worry and uncertainty which indicates the genre. During this part the music adds suspense and builds tension. The eye eventually fades to red symbolsing the idea of danger, blood and death which addresses the genre through the themes that the eye creates. During the opening credits the moving, optical shapes that spin in blue and purple give a vivid sense of madness and craziness, which could be related and hint to the audience the narrative of the movie - Vertigo. For the audience the shapes used are visually interesting and would keep the audience engaged.
The characters used are both antagonistic and protagonistic, as there is a man running away froma police officer which inidcates the theme of crime. The audience know that this scene will be significant throughout the movie as it is shown to be important through the fast action being used and the tense music that intensifies at this point. The music implies the idea of a chase/escape which relates to the genre.

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